10 Common Website Problems and Solutions to Be Aware Of

October 20, 2022

Websites are a big investment, so you want to make sure yours works well before launching it. But most websites have problems that prevent visitors from finding what they’re looking for.

Most website owners never get around to fixing these common website problems because they assume they will just fix themselves. Unfortunately, many website problems require professional help especially due to their complexity.

In this post, we’ll cover some of the most common website problems and solutions for them.

10 Common Website Problems and Solutions to Be Aware Of

1. Slow Loading Times

The average web page takes about 3 seconds to load on desktop computers. That’s not much time at all. But if your site is slow loading, people won’t wait around for it. They would want a site that would not waste their time. They will then click away or go somewhere else. And when they do, they may tell others about their bad experience with your site. This leads to you losing not just one visitor but many others.

Slow loading times can be caused by several things, including:

– Poorly written code

– Too many images

– Large files (such as videos)

– Heavy use of JavaScript

There are ways to improve the speed of your site without having to rewrite everything. You can start by optimizing your HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Then you can add caching, compression, and CDN services to reduce the size of your static assets. Finally, you can optimize your database queries.

2. Broken Links

When someone clicks on a link in an email message, they expect to see something different than what they actually see. If the link does not work, then they might think twice about clicking on links in future emails. This could lead to lost sales.

Broken links happen when you change the URL of a page but forget to update the links on other pages. Or maybe you move a page to another location on your site. Either way, broken links can cause confusion and frustration for users.

To avoid broken links, always check your URLs before publishing content. Make sure that every page has a unique URL. Also, don’t rely on search engines to find your pages. Instead, create custom sitemaps that list each page on your site.

3. Poor Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization (SEO) is one of the most important parts of running a successful online business. It helps ensure that your site appears high up in search results.

However, SEO is not so easy. There are hundreds of factors that affect where your site ranks in search results. These include the quality of your content, the number of backlinks pointing to your site, and whether your site uses HTTPS.

If you want to learn more about SEO, read our guide to improving your SEO.

4. Bad User Experience

A good user experience means that your site looks great, loads quickly, and provides a pleasant browsing experience. A poor user experience means that your visitors leave after only a few minutes.

You can improve your user experience by making sure that your site loads fast, has clean design, and works well across devices. To make sure your site meets these criteria, test it using tools like the PageSpeed Insights.

5. Security Breaches

Security breaches can cost businesses thousands of dollars per incident. So it makes sense to take security seriously.

Unfortunately, there are lots of ways for hackers to gain access to your site. The most common method involves stealing login credentials from your customers. Hackers also try to exploit vulnerabilities in your website software.

The best way to prevent security breaches is to keep your site updated with the latest patches and updates. Use strong passwords and two-factor authentication whenever possible. And consider implementing a firewall to protect against attacks.

6. Poor Mobile Performance

Mobile performance refers to the ability of a website to display correctly on smartphones and tablets. Mobile performance now matters a lot especially because of the rise of mobile and tablet users all over the world. In reality, users spend more of their time on mobile phones and tablets rather than their desktops and laptops because of how easy to carry the former are.

When designing a website, consider the size of the screen and the resolution. Designing for mobile screens requires different techniques than designing for desktop screens.

Optimizing your website for mobile phones requires careful consideration of layout, colors, and font sizes.

You can learn about responsive design and in benefits when you want to make sure that your site is also performing well on mobiles.

7. Unresponsive Pages

Unresponsive pages appear when a visitor tries to access a page, but nothing happens after he or she submits the form.

To fix this issue, you should first identify whether the problem lies within your server or client side.

If it’s a server-side problem, you should contact your hosting provider. If it’s a client-side problem, you can test your website using various browsers.

8. Spam Comments

Spam comments appear when a person posts inappropriate messages on your site. These messages aren’t relevant to your site.

They’re often used to advertise another website or sell fake goods.

These types of comments are annoying for visitors. They distract them from reading your content.

To stop spam comments, ask your web host to block IP addresses associated with spammers.

Then, install software that automatically removes spam comments. Finally, delete spam comments manually.

9. Outdated Plugins

Outdated plugins are yet another major cause of abandoned websites. Many plugins require updates to remain effective.

Plugins are small programs that extend functionality of your site. Some plugins offer additional options, others provide security enhancements, and still others enable social media sharing.

Unfortunately, many plugin developers neglect to release updates. As a result, their plugins become obsolete and ineffective.

To prevent outdated plugins from causing problems, install updates regularly.

10. 404 Errors

404 errors are another common issue with websites. Visitors expect websites to be error free.

When visitors click on a link that doesn’t exist, they receive a 404 error message. This causes confusion and leaves visitors feeling disappointed.

To avoid 404 errors, make sure you have 301 redirects set up. Redirects tell search engine crawlers that a page no longer exists.

301 redirects are used to move existing pages to a new location. For example, if you moved your blog to a new domain name, you would use 301 redirects to direct traffic to the new address.

Why Should You Be Aware of the Common Website Problems and Solutions To Them?

The most important reason why you need to know about these issues is because they affect your business.

Website problems can lead to lost customers, lower conversions, and higher bounce rates.

As a result, you may lose money and reputation.

By knowing what these problems are, you’ll be able to better manage your website and improve its performance.

You also won’t waste time trying to solve problems that don’t exist.


In conclusion, if you find yourself struggling with any of the problems listed above, don’t worry—you’re not alone. We’ve all been there before, but hopefully now you have a better idea of what to look for when searching for solutions online. And remember, if you still aren’t finding what you’re looking for, don’t hesitate to contact us now. We’d be happy to help you out!


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